Fully reconditioned and painted Radica, Imagel ProSport wheels 13" x 10" rear and 13" x 8" front
by George Brodish / 623 views / Popular
$, £, C$, A$, €, $AUD 1,000
Fully reconditioned Radical Image Prosport 13″ x 10″ blue rear wheels (2) and 13″ x 8″ blue front wheels (2). Will NOT split up set. $1,000.00 for all 4 wheels and buyer pays for UPS ground shipping. I also have two (2) fully reconditioned brown Image wheels for sale on this site. If you buy the 4 blue and the 2 brown wheels, you can have all 6 weeks for a total of $1,100.00. I want to clear out my garage now. If interested contact me at geoenv@aol.com
- Listing ID: 30472
Wheels are still available. only good wheels are interested
Shipped to Europe
I pay a mortgage loan
Istvan György
Yes wheels are still available
Where do you live?
Cell 973-223-5491 USA